Yes, they are getting ready for another war. Why shouldn't they? It pays high dividends.
Oh you think I am talking about current affairs? Actually these words are by General Smedley Butler in 1935 from a little book called War is a Racket. If you haven’t read this gem now is the time.1 It will only take an hour.
Because yes, our illustrious “leaders” are fomenting war ….again. And why shouldn’t they? It pays high dividends.
The purpose of this article is simple. To cut through the absurd war-mongering propaganda and remind you of this truth:
War is Still a Racket.
I won’t spoil the General’s book for you, but I will draw on a number of lessons he teaches as I talk briefly about the Russia-Ukraine conflict.
War is Profitable For an Elite Few, On Both Sides, If Even There are Sides
War always makes a few families and their businesses ALOT of money. Stinking rich beyond measure. If it didn’t, peace would be easy. The biggest threat to peace is not Putin, but profit and power.
Soldiers die not to defend freedom and democracy, but elite purse strings.
Ukraine is no different. How can America defend democracy in a foreign country when they don’t even have democracy at home? This empire building is simply an expansion of the Democrigarchy
This so called democratic Ukrainian government has cancelled political parties with agendas contrary to NATO whilst smearing politicians as Russian colluders and shutting down their bank accounts.2
If you want to know why US politicians just printed another $54 billion USD,3 thieving it from the people and fueling what is becoming the worst inflationary crises in history and then sending it to an ex-actor, comedian, homosexual-wannabe-porn-star turned puppet dictator Volodymyr Zelenskyy then it is simple:
Ukraine is a money laundering operation.
And if clicking on that link and watching Zelenskyy dance in high-heals didn’t convince you to die in a ditch in defense of Western wokeism then surely him playing piano with his penis will inspire patriotism and a desire to kill Russians. Actors make perfect fake dignitaries in place of toppled governments - it is all a show after all.
Back to the point. All that money gets spent on elite business interests, especially weapons manufacture at a time when everyone else’s wealth is about to evaporate in a currency crisis. This war has shifted the focus off the COVID crime while sifting billions of evaporating cash into hard assets and a power base in Europe that will last into the future. All while you drown in inflationary debt.
And when it comes to profit and power, sides don’t matter! At least not to the rich. While you are shooting Russian serfs and being shot at in return, Western elites will be shaking hands with Russian businessmen making huge deals to kill you on the battlefield. Just ask General Motors and the Nazis.
There Are No Good Guys. And if there Are, It Certainly Isn’t Us.
A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small "inside" group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. -General Butler
It is irrefutable I think that the situation in Ukraine has escalated to a point of conflict due to US/Western backed NATO provocation. That is the view of academics like Professor John Measherimer. Watch his lecture titled “The Causes and Consequences of the Ukraine Crisis.
While the Australian media is busy painting Putin as a desperate, dying and maniacal crazy man bent on world domination, they neglect to mention that those billions of US dollars are going toward rearming the Azov Battalion in Ukraine. This radical group of Neo-Nazis were trained by Western-globalist parties to goad Russia into conflict by threatening their borders and murdering Ukrainian citizens of Russian ethnicity.
Left-winger Jimmy Dore highlighted the US hypocrisy in Ukraine earlier this year in an interview titled The Truth about Ukraine, Russia & War. The fact is the US empire has a long and unforgivable history of war-mongering and genocide at the core of its foreign policy.
And the situation in Ukraine is complex. There is a back story. But the media know that many people are simpletons who want to be told what to think. So they serve up a simplistic and fake war narrative. Joseph Watson commenting on the fake news stories coming out of Ukraine reminds us that The First Casualty of War is Truth.
But if you actually want to make your own mind up about the Russia-Ukraine conflict then you need some historical background. Try watching the Ukraine on Fire Documentary by Oliver Stone.
You could also obtain some balance and a history lesson from the Russian mad-man himself in his September 21st Speech. But you aren’t supposed to listen to the other side, especially if he sounds more coherent than your own leaders. Unless perhaps you are one of those Christians who reads the bible (Proverbs 18:17).
The fact is, the western war-sanction machine wants war. It sells guns if nothing else, it thins the herd and in the 2020’s will serve Globalist agendas at a time of economic upheaval and transition. A transition that is centered on attaining energy dominance and control via the climate change hoax. This means manufacturing a European energy crisis to torture the nations into submission. War IS a Racket.
Now I don’t believe for one second that Putin is the good guy either. Some have pointed out he is on board with the new era of corporate technocratic globalisation. And I don’t know who controls Russia, perhaps some of the same interests at work in the West! But one thing I know for sure is that it isn’t Putin. He is some kind of figurehead, someone to point at as the bad man, a face you are told to hate for no real reason.
So Who is the Enemy?
Well the recent Pretend Pandemic has me thinking that it isn’t Putin. He may be a dictator in Russia but we have our own dictators to worry about! Let the Russians worry about theirs. Why would I want to fight a foreign country at the behest of a political establishment who just tried to poison my family under threat of total loss of income?
The western establishment pushing for war in Ukraine fired rubber bullets at my own countrymen at the Shrine of Remembrance! They arrested my brother in Christ for exercising in Sydney. They arrested a pregnant women in her home for a Facebook post. They locked up a Melbourne Pastor for daring to run a Church service. The list goes on. I think maybe the war has started and there is no need to leave home to get killed, persecuted or imprisoned. Russian dictators are the least of our problems.
But there was another more subtle enemy during the Corona era. The Normie.4 Their participation in all things COVID ensured ongoing persecution for those not wanting to be injected. Normies checked in and sipped their cappuccinos while us anti-vaxxers were treated like second-class citizens. This mob rule forced many to choose between paying the bills and getting multiple injections they didn't want and knew didn't work.
You see the Normie made COVID tyranny possible! Say what you will about our corrupt political establishment but it was the believing masses that are culpable for the bio-terror state. And many are still paying the price with their lives due to Sudden Adult Death Syndrome. Which was never a thing, but now it is. The vaccine does work.
Have you see those Normie memes? It’s that stock image of the drooling, hairless, zombie figure with the ten syringes sticking into him caricaturing the media programmed person who believes everything they see on TV. Well this Mass Formation Psychosis induced by the virus fear campaign has me thinking:
During actual war time, with a relentless war time propaganda campaign : What does the Normie look like and what role does he play?
Here is a thought. Take that same drooling zombie and put a military uniform on him. Send him off to Ukraine. You can leave the needles sticking in of course. Isn’t that now the person who believes the war stories? Isn’t he now the one empowering the falsified state of war narrative? The soldier, volunteer and war supporter defending elite purse strings and a new world order, *cough*, I mean “democracy”? Doesn’t this kind of participation prolong suffering for everybody like in COVID?
And who were the real heroes of the COVID era? It wasn’t the 70% that were complicit with the narrative. These surrendered their wills. Their blind television faith made the whole nightmare ordeal an ongoing reality.
Have not the heroes of COVID proven to be those who resisted the injections and stood by their principles? Those refusing to mask, check-in, or hand over fundamental rights and freedoms on the word of a health bureaucrat without a single shred of credible scientific evidence for any novel virus. Those who countered the relentless pseudo-scientific lies?!
Well in war time who are the heroes? Those that blindly go off in support of war? Or the draft resisters? The “anti-war” people? The “Cowards?” The “Pro-Russians?” Those that counter the narrative until it collapses! It is worth thinking about.
General Smedley offered three suggestions to end the war racket:
Take the profit out of war.
Permit the youth of the land who would bear arms to decide whether or not there should be war.
Limit military forces to home defense.
Logical advice from a decorated soldier.
Now when it comes to having a Christian discussion about participation in war the conversation usually goes something like this:
The bible doesn’t condemn “just use” of violence;
There are soldiers in the bible who are Christian;
Therefore, God doesn’t condemn Christians going to war.
And, if you are pacifist you must be a Jehovah’s Witness.
I hope that after reading this article you will realize how shallow this type of conversation is when it comes to interpreting the war racket and developing a biblical response to it!
It will suffice me now to say that if our sense of justice obligating us to war in Ukraine equates to mob rule by mass media conditioning, then God help us! We must be more discerning in this age of fear.
I contend the best way to end any racket is to refuse to participate. When the elites feel their purse strings are threatened and they start to bang on their war drums the logical solution is to act like we are all deaf. Nothing encourages peace negotiations like the absence of an army.
But be on the look out for a false flag.
It’s very true, something that’s really been striking me lately as a former anti-establishment leftist (that is, before I realized that an “anti-establishment leftist” is a contradiction in terms) is that there is this massive, monolithic military-medical-corporate industrial complex that so clearly wants to control the world with technology, and the left brilliantly makes speaking out about it a highly partisan issue. I truly believe that the vast majority of people with moral convictions about checking power, business, and military expansion would be outraged about the functions of globalism -- and back in my day, hippie leftists abhorred globalism!