The Pretend Pandemic: Will It Ever End?
I am amazed the COVID “pandemic” is still a thing.… But what some predicted would happen is now painful to watch. A good portion of society are still attached to the medical crisis story line and cannot imagine living any other way.
These folks are the new-normalised and are invested in the pretend pandemic in a way that is not easy to let go. They believe society should always have been this cautious of disease. These types need to do something, anything, to take part. It feels good. The Babylon Bee recently parodied this problem for Maskaholics in a Maskers Anonymous meeting.
One reason the pretend pandemic prevails is because of the costume we were made to wear. When you don’t have any extra dead or sick people during a “pandemic”, at least no more than any other ordinary flu season, then the only way to have a “pandemic” is to play pretend. I will put my mask costume on. You put your mask costume on. Let us act out a “pandemic” and hope nobody notices the fact that nobody around us is actually dying.
The pretend pandemic has always been non-sensical. From the beginning of the COVID saga we were told to watch out for regular cold and flu like symptoms while at the same time the politician talking heads kept saying it was a “deadly” virus. It dawned on me the other day how they get away with it.
In the dystopian radical-left new normal Marxist irreality language doesn’t mean what it used to! You already know this from observing the politically correct. Matt Walsh encountered the problem when he tried to define the word “woman” in his recent Daily Wire documentary What is a Woman?
But I realize now this phenomenon of playing fast and loose with words extends to ordinary adjectives in the corporate state propaganda. This way of speaking fuels the pretend pandemic.
In the old normal “deadly” meant something that would likely kill whoever it came into contact with. That appears to be how the vast majority of the population interpreted it. That is why they injected themselves with an experimental-use product now thought by scientific experts to be categorically poisonous and ineffective.1
But that is not what the corporate state means by its adjective. The new “deadly” means it could possibly kill someone, maybe, if we test them enough while they have cancer, while they are over the average age of death in Australia (82), while having co-morbidities, after recently receiving the experimental injections, or worse, an overdose of the euthanasia drug Midazolam2 while in aged care.
But that isn’t a deadly virus you say! …. ssshhhh. They’re dead aren’t they? So it is deadly! You just didn’t know we were working to a new definition! The new virus is as deadly as taking a shower…whilst also slitting your wrists. Don’t shower again.
In the era of the pretend pandemic unless you listen closely to the fine print attached to every word you cannot comprehend the actual meaning of the neo-Marxist dictionary and you are going to make false assumptions.
But it isn’t just the COVID costume or the absurd propaganda that keeps the pretend pandemic going. It is also the “science”.
John Flint recently published an article in the West Australian about how he caught COVID twice in 21 days! Yes you read that right. His experience is the reason why “experts” need to rethink the science of COVID re-infection.
How anyone could take the article seriously I have no idea. John tested himself at least twice in three weeks after experiencing cold and flu like symptoms. The second time was after a night out drinking with mates. Seriously? We used to call that a hangover while still getting over a recent cold. But No! Now we are getting constantly re-infected with COVID! Trust the science people, if you are mad enough.
Let me spoil it for you. The tests are about as reliable as a wet nappy. They were designed to be. But without the tests there is no COVID only boring old cold and flu symptoms. The testing is like the masks, just props on the set, without which we might stop and think, “Hey, this is ordinary stuff, let’s get on with life!”
But they don’t want you getting on with ordinary life, whatever that is? They will tell us. Just keep on testing.
Surprisingly John Flint published again in yesterday’s Sunday Times about the desperate need for “new weapons” in the fight against COVID in which he spruiked the new COVID antiviral pills and next generation vaccines. See a pattern in his writing? Oh it might look like “news” but this is actually paid promotion of worthless snake oils wrapped in pseudo-scientific-rhetoric.
And so on and on it goes. Is there a spiritual lesson in all of this?
Awhile back I wrote an article The Narrative is All They Have in which I encouraged everyone to anchor themselves in the biblical narrative so they are not swept away by every wind of new-normal doctrine.
Why is this important in the era of the pretend pandemic? This new fear based irreality aims to make God look awful, incompetent or both. A society steeped in a climate of fear gives the totalitarians the control they want. But under these cult created emergencies God does not appear to the masked, injected and isolating as the good creator who made the earth to nourish and strengthen the sons of men.
He does not appear to them as the God who made us fearfully and wonderfully with immune systems and the like, nor the one who sustains all in health, if of course we eat the food he designed us to eat and don’t abuse his gifts.
Is it any wonder that so many reject a god who constantly threatens us with extinction from invisible microbes and viruses that magically appear every news cycle?
The trouble is that isn’t the God of Scripture. That is the god of this world and his servant liars vying for profit and power.
So maybe it is time to stop playing their pretend pandemic. That way the character of our God can be clearly seen. Are you still wearing your pandemic costume? Could your Christian light be hid under a mask of fear? Still testing yourself after a night out with friends. Too afraid to go out in the first place? Then no wonder they resent your god. I do too.
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