The Narrative Is All They Have
Ron DeSantis the governor of Florida visited South Florida University recently and as he approached the podium he encountered students of the college wearing masks. Clearly disturbed by the scene he spoke directly with the boys:
You do not have to wear those masks. I mean, please take them off! Honestly, it’s not doing anything and we gotta stop with this COVID theatre! So, if you want to wear it, fine, but this is, this is ridiculous.1
DeSantis knows how politics work. He saw the masks and realized the boys were acting out a cruel political theatre. He was noticeably disgusted. Why? Because he wants the show to end! He wants the minds of people in Florida to be freed from the ridiculous deception that is COVID with all its cultic political symbols.
Unlike the governor in Florida our cruel Premier Mark McGowan in Western Australia continues the show. He wants our minds ensnared by the political narrative. And so the people continue to live in fear. Therefore masks are everywhere! Now children as young as eight years old have to participate in the show and wear the mask!
Why? “Because of cases”. What are cases?2 Nothing more than meaningless numbers on the daily news. They too are part of the theatre. The tests driving the numbers are also part of the theatre.3 It would not matter if there were 2000 cases or 2,000,000 cases here in our state. Life here in Perth would be the same, except only for more rules & restrictions. The higher the cases, the more masks, the more actors in the play, the more the narrative can be shaped for greater levels of control.
The narrative is the how the heads of the global statist religion maintain control. They defend it at all costs. That is why the story will shift suddenly if there are indicators that people will stop participating. Indeed, that is why it can shift suddenly: Because narrative is all there is! But if enough people exit the theatre, step off the stage then the curtains must close and the playwrights are no longer in control.
How do you exit the theatre? Better yet, how do you prevent yourself from stepping on the stage to begin with? Simple. Ground yourself in another narrative, a real and truthful one, especially the story shaped by the one who created you and cares for you.
As I think about governor DeSantis concern for the people in Florida, I am reminded of the compassion Jesus showed when he saw the condition of the people under the leadership of the cruel and selfish:
“When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.” (Matthew 9:35)
The people that Jesus looked upon did have leaders. The Pharisees, the Sadducees, the “teachers of the law”. But they were useless, merciless, hypocrites who loved the adoration and obedience of the people but had no love for them. They saddled the people with worthless religion and made them follow ridiculous rules while they themselves skirted around God’s law for their own gratification.
We live in similar times, desperate for leaders that care, that won’t play political games, abuse and humiliate us for power and control. We may not have a governor like DeSantis in Western Australia, but we can have Jesus Christ as our spiritual lead. Under Jesus, the narrative set forth in Scripture provides us with an anchor in a real story so that we are not readily swept up into the stories of merciless tyrants who mock us while we dance along to their silly tunes.
“When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” -John 8:12
Unlike the hypocritical tyrants who make up the rules and yet never follow them, Jesus followed and taught the law of God. Because Jesus is God in human flesh he is the embodiment of the standard to which we are all held accountable. But rather than let us stumble around in darkness, humiliated by cruel masters who play on our weaknesses and fear of death, Jesus leads the way… so perfectly in fact that those who invest in his story are credited with a perfect righteousness: “they will have the light of life”. A life that lasts forever. When you have that promise from a leader like Jesus you aren’t easily seduced by the narrative of fear.
Likewise Jesus said:
“It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners” (Matthew 9:12-13)
The tyrants desire your sacrifice for their benefit. Jesus however came to show mercy, and so died for sinners. He makes our sins his own. When you know yourself before God to be an unworthy sinner, then you also know those in power, the tyrants, to be even more wicked! Trusting them, investing in their stories, hoping in their promise of safety, much less dressing up in one of their costumes to perform at your expense is an unwanted and contradictory experience to a disciple of the Christian faith.
So anchor yourself and be on guard for the next narrative - It is all they have!