Liberal Party: Neither Hot or Cold; I will Spew You Out of My Mouth!
The election went as I expected and I can’t say I am too unhappy with the result. Yes, it would have been nice to see the United Australia Party or One Nation pickup more than what may turn out to be just a few Senate seats in a parliament overrun by woke politicians. But the reality is Australians don’t yet comprehend the nature of their enslavement under the bankers dictatorship and the two party preferred system. Until Australians suffer a bit more, a lot more, we cannot really expect anything to change no matter how much money Clive Palmer spends on advertising for freedom.
But I was encouraged by the election result for a couple of reasons.
Positive #1: The Liberal Party Was Decimated
My worst fear this election was that Scott Morrison’s Liberal Party would claw its way back into power on the back of conservative party preferences. This is what happened in 2019 when parties like UAP, Frazer Anning’s Conservative National Party, Cory Bernadi, One Nation and others, fearful of a Labor win made sure preference flows ended up in the Liberal camp. This propped up the Liberal Party for the win, a win they didn’t deserve, a win in an otherwise unwinnable election.
If that had happened again it would be have been a worst case scenario! It would have meant the freedom vote, the Put the Major’s Last campaign, the Turning Point how to vote cards and the millions spend by United Australia Party aimed at unseating the majors would have counted for absolutely nothing! We would have changed nothing!
But Australia could not afford another term under Scott Morrison and his fake conservative party. Morrison is a man utterly obnoxious to freedom in this country. He is infamous for once stating that free speech doesn’t help to create one job.1 His Liberal Party stood by and did nothing in the face of rampant human rights abuses. Morrison gave vocal support to Labor party dictators like Daniel Andrews and Mark McGowan during the COVID con.
Thankfully then we are not getting a repeat of the Morrison government and this is owed in part to the Christian and libertarian voters punishing incumbent members, especially woke Liberal party members! Even here in the electorate of Pearce, where the Liberal party ran a conservative candidate my wife and I made sure our preferences after exhausting every possible freedom party candidate went to Labor.
The message coming from Christians and libertarians in this country was clearer this time: Liberal Party, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I will Spew You Out of My Mouth!2
Australians do not want a Liberal Party traitorous to freedom. We do not want our so called “conservative” party having no regard for the bodily autonomy of its citizens and advancing global socialism under this “Net Zero” agenda all the while masquerading as a party which believes in classical liberalism.
Positive #2: Australia’s woke socialism is now plain to see.
Under the Morrison government many people, especially Christians, thought of Australia as a conservative country with a Christian Leader. In reality under Liberal, Australia was a woke chocolate coated turd. Now that Morrison’s government has gone this pretense is stripped away and the woke turd can now been seen and smelt by all in its full putrefying glory.
Better yet under a woke socialist government the stink of this neo-pagan Australia is going to be seen and felt on a whole new level! As difficult as it is to witness this downfall it is something we desperately need if we are going to push for change especially among conservatives. There is nothing beneficial about us masquerading as something we are not and thereby prolonging the suffering.
Now hopefully for the first time in decades there will be less pretending about the awful direction of this country. Especially the pretense offered by Christians and Liberal party supporters who were pacified by their fake conservative government. Hopefully now these types can wake up and get off the couch, since it is obvious Scomo no longer has things in hand, and in fact he never did, but was part of the problem.
Positive #3: The Primary Vote for the Major Parties is Way down.
Labor has formed government with 32.9% of the primary vote. The Liberal party vote came in at 35.3% down 6.2% from last election. Over the last few elections there has been a significant shift away from major parties and this signals that change may be afoot for Australia politics. This lower primary vote means less public funding for the major political parties making them more vulnerable to competitors.
Such a large swing away from the major parties was helped along by people switching to substitute parties who still believe in libertarian values and to other independents. Now at this point the winds of change may take us in the wrong direction but at least while things are in flux we are in the hopeful position of influencing the culture of Australian politics for the better as people may be listening in a way they haven’t been for years especially as economic hardship becomes a reality.
So Where Do We Go From Here?
There is no shortage of election analysis this week but most of it is coming from the mainstream media. I am looking forward to a panel discussion on Friday 27th May 2022 with popular freedom party candidates and commentators including Joel Jammal, Senator Malcolm Roberts, Craig Kelly, Paul Filing, Dr. Yunous Vagh and Cam Tinley. Tune in to Freedom Media WA Facebook this Friday 2:30PM WA time.
In the meantime here are my broad suggestions for the future of Christian political activism in Australia over the next few years.
Action Point #1: Continue to Destroy the Liberal Party
Based on the commentary I have watched on the election it is my opinion that it would be almost impossible for the Liberal Party to form government ever again without the full support of conservatives, nationalists and Christians. But this would require significant ideological reform, reform that I don’t believe is possible for the Liberal party. Even so we must never give the Liberal Party this support again. The Liberal Party is a captured organization that is beholden to the globalist institutions and socialist agendas that are trying to install the technocracy.
Henceforth there is no way forward under modern Liberal Party ideology. The Liberal Parties are expelling more and more conservatives by the day,3 and I say let them do it. The only way to gain any significant traction for classical liberal values is to replace the Liberal Party with a new conservative coalition. This means Christians and conservatives must now withdrawal all support from the Liberal party and let it die. The Liberal Party has and must continue to “go woke and go broke”.
Action Point #2: Consolidate the Freedom Parties into a Conservative Libertarian Coalition
I believe there is room for only two or three conservative, Christian, libertarian, nationalistic parties which could form government as a coalition. Any more than this and it is impossible to organise optimal flow of preferences under the current system of preferential and partial preferential voting to get sufficient libertarian politicians elected.
At present there is a large number of micro parties which receive an extreme minority of the vote. This has created a fractured movement that results in unnecessary division and the promotion of individual egos. As a result the freedom party messaging to the Australian public is weak. There is no way to sufficiently organize consistent voter influence under this scenario to make a difference at election time.
Therefore lovers of freedom must let go of their favorite political party influencers and get behind a couple of bigger libertarian and nationalistic parties that are better resourced, already have members in parliament and are generally headed in the right ideological direction in terms of a Christianized society that honours rule of law.
A consolidation is necessary because freedom party members need to start thinking in terms of becoming a replacement major party that represents a decisive force against global socialism and the new woke religion. This means we must endure some differences for the sake of large scale strategic cooperation.
Therefore the litany of micro parties have to go. These niche parties could instead form organisations for education of the Australian public on critical issues necessary to shape culture around freedom. Teaching on issues like constitutional awareness, informed consent and our Christian history will go a long way to undermining the entrenched cultural Marxism and Scientism now infecting the Australian consciousness.
The Christian party should incorporate their candidates into One Nation and the United Australia party. We should not run political parties that only a small section of the population will want to vote for. Rather we communicate our support for and strengthen the conviction of major libertarian parties. We can produce the change we want by building upon the right ideological foundation rather than simply parroting Christian values to an echo chamber of Christian voters.
Action Point #3: We MUST Decisively Mock Woke Government and Religion!
If you know the story of Elijah on Mount Carmel then you will know what I am talking about. When the false prophets worshiped their false god Baal on Mount Carmel begging him to accept their sacrifice by fire they carried on like lunatics, shouting, jumping and committing insane acts like cutting themselves with swords and spears. But Baal, the fake god, couldn’t answer. Elijah the prophet of God mocked the priests in the utter stupidity of their devotion to Baal. “Maybe he is busy, or taking a trip, or sleeping”, he taunted them.4
The insanity and futility of Australia’s new woke religion is as ridiculous as cutting yourself to make Baal listen. Whether it be redefining biological gender, killing unborn children, or maiming them before they reach adolescence, saving the planet from a natural greenhouse gas, injecting toxic substances that cause heart attacks to prevent a cold, or trying to tax themselves to greater wealth. All this behavior is inherently stupid and self destructive and the right response is to mock and make fun of the adherents and leaders of this new Baal-like religion while the full extent of their stupidity is on display.
If we love Australia and its people we must not be caught like the Morrison government pandering to the godless foolishness of our era. Woke religion and woke politics can only ever go down in history as an embarrassing and shameful form of societal self-destruction. We must hasten its shame and highlight its foolishness in order to preserve common sense and attract others to fear God and the wisdom of his ways. Baal cannot bless us, not even when they mutilate themselves.
Don’t be too despondent about the election. The vote for freedom made a significant difference by ensuring the Liberal Party may never again form government. We can now begin to fill this vacuum. We must not prop-up the broken down Liberal political machine. Rather we consolidate the freedom movement into the creation of a Libertarian coalition.
This coalition must join forces with educational organisations that are focused on teaching the public libertarian ideology based on Christian principles of rule of law. We must infiltrate the public consciousness with new doctrine and boldly mock woke ideology to highlight the self-destruction it brings upon society.
We cannot afford to run our own little political party clubs any more. We must begin to think and act like members of a large political party that will offer decisive resistance and an alternative to the neo-pagan global-socialism of our age.
The Freedom Media WA Panel Has Changed Time to Friday 27th May 2022 at 2:30PM WA Time.
Further Reading in the 2022 Federal Election Series
Don't Vote for Christians! (20th April 2022)
The Australian Christian Lobby: Propping Up a Corrupt Liberal Party Establishment (25th April 2022)
Why Your Freedom Party Vote May Help Elect a Green to the Senate and How to Stop It! (2nd May 2022)
The Two Horse Race: The Illusion of Democracy in Australia (13th May 2022)
Liberal Party: Neither Hot or Cold; I will Spew You Out of My Mouth! (25th May 2022)
The Australian Electoral Commission: A Corrupt and Incompetent Clown Show (27th May 2022)
This is a biblical quote from Revelation 3:16
1 Kings 18:27