Invasion Day Activists Declare War on Australia
Is Australia Day dead? Or is Australia dead? The latter feels true for me. Especially watching another year of Cultural Marxist lunacy come to its yearly epitome on what used to be a simple celebration of just being alive and living in God’s Great Southern Land.
Of course this year the “Invasion Day” narrative is hotter than ever with protests around the country. I cringe as I watch a Channel 9 newscast with an indigenous speaker crying out “The Enemy are Deniers!” White activist and Green’s Senator Lidia Thorpe shouts “This is a War!”1
I have to say, I actually agree with Senator Thorpe!
If the Invasion Day narrative is true, then we Australians are indeed at war with these people.
Reason with me for a second. If the arrival of the First Fleet into Sydney Cove on the 26th January 1788 represented an invasion force. And if that resulted in our ancestors killing indigenous enemy combatants in defense of their land, and they were consequentially vanquished and driven out - If that be the truth and here we are some 230 years later with these activists and descendants claiming ownership of our land - then it appears our enemies have returned!
If Australia day is Invasion Day - then we are indeed still at war. Our land and our goods are once again threatened by these people. If we are at war, if we are invaders, then it is time to settle this question in the way that wars and invasions are settled- in battle! And we must spill blood in defense of our lands.
Therefore, I suggest rather than debating rhetoric with these white Marxists and riled up aboriginal pawns let us instead meet all that claim to be our enemies on the battlefield every January 26th and we will once again vanquish them and settle the matter of who owns the land. After their slaughter we may then return to our BBQs and fireworks free from guilt and proud victors in battle.
The Reality
Now you might think I sound crazy. But it isn’t me that is crazy is it? Because the war narrative is theirs, not mine! I am just taking it to its logical conclusion.
But thankfully there is an alternative. Why? Because the entirety of this Invasion Day narrative is utter lunatic nonsense without a single shred of grounding in reasonable and contextualised factual history!
It is fake history. Cultural Marxist garbage cooked up to rile up the uneducated and the stupid. It is designed only to divide Australians and destroy a country of European Christian heritage. It is the God-haters using the struggles of others to hate on God! And they preach to the vulnerable a paralyzing de-humanizing anti-gospel of anger and victimhood built on welfare and the installation of a permanent lack of self-respect.
The fact is every Australian alive today, even those who descend from those original tribal Australians (a tribute to the fact that the indigenous were not our enemies and that there was no invasion) - are benefactors and inheritors of land, goods, wealth & health that comes entirely from the successful colonization of Australia!
Therefore, there is only one question remaining: What is each of us going to do with that inheritance? Fight our neighbor? Or build each other up for the betterment of Australia? These activists want a fight because that is what God-haters do - they tear each other to pieces!
Now you know the cultural Marxists will never be happy right? Changing the date will never satisfy them. Letting out every black man or woman from prison will never be enough. Forfeiture of lands and property will never repay! Because it’s NOT about justice! It is about power! And not power for the descendants of a once indigenous people! They are simply pawns for those looking to reshape Australia into a multi-polar globalist new world order by destroying a once Christianized culture.
Australians of Aboriginal descent are being used, sold a bone-ass lie and the more they and we embrace it the more we embrace our own destruction and impoverishment, handing land, power, freedoms and our wealth to the ultra-rich to settle the matters of crisis and class-warfare they themselves create!
The truth, the key idea that the Marxist doesn’t want you to know is this: There is NO divide! There is no us and them. No “first nations people” vs “every other Australian!”
There is only a current generation of Australians who regardless of their ethnic backgrounds now possess Australia and we do so only as stewards - entirely by God’s grace! And we all ought be very thankful for it - because God may yet take all of it from every one of us!
A Celebration of the Gospel
Regardless of the struggles of nation building, some 230+ years ago God brought grace permanently to Australian shores. He took pity on the tribal peoples and brought them companions from England of whom in time could reach out and proclaim and embody the love of God’s son.
There were hardships, conflicts, murders and misunderstandings from all sides in the making of our nation. Yes, a testimony to the wickedness of humanity regardless of skin colour.
But God showed mercy on the lost tribal peoples who were well known for infanticide2 and cannibalism - eating their own young children!3
Among other things then Australia day is a testimony of the Gospel of God’s grace. He reaches out to a far away and unworthy people, tribes so ignorant they consume the flesh of their offspring! Yet in response he brings ships of men and women with knowledge rather than fire from heaven. Marvel at his kindness!
More than 20 years ago I visited an Aboriginal Church in Western Australia with a friend. Two white men sat in the midst of Aboriginal Christians hearing a message from the bible. We sang to Jesus together. We ate kangaroo tail fresh from the firepits, a rather awful yet edible smell I won’t forget until the day I die. No children were cooking on the fire - a testimony to the grace of God.
After the service I spoke with one of the older aboriginal males in attendance who told me of his biggest struggles: He said it was hard to be a Christian when he went back home to live with his relatives because there was much drunkeness and he would be tempted to fall into sin rather than honor Christ.
He spoke honestly with me as a young man and he never once blamed white people or anyone else for his struggles - Because He loved Jesus. He knew his greatest enemy was his own fallen humanity - and in that struggle we were brothers in arms!
Now that is the truth worth celebrating every Australia Day! And the war mongering activists would rather rape your conscience than have us all united in the God who loves us, and who gave his Son to die for us.
"This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. " - 1 John 4:10-16