Australian Schools as a Form of Institutionalised Child Abuse
What do cupcakes, purple face paint and the celebration of sodomy and the mutilation of young people’s genitals all have in common? That would be purple day at my children’s high school.
Of course the cupcakes, the paint, the hair dye, the silly costuming is just there to make such behaviour appear palatable. They are a pathetic attempt to hide the awful reality of many homosexual male’s promiscuous lifestyles and their consequences. The pretty colours mask the long-term trauma, physical and emotional abuse suffered by those left to the mercy of a criminal drug-pushing pharmaceutical cartel profiteering off the push into the transhuman-transgender agenda.
It isn’t about inclusion. And even if it were it isn’t clear to me why anyone of sound adult mind would want these things mainstream. But that is precisely the point. The mainstreaming of brokenness and perversity is exactly what the Australian school system is all about - the systematic indoctrination and psychological torture of Australian children. And it’s not by accident.
If only the reasons why you should extricate your children from the Australian school system ended there.
One of my children was tasked in English with writing a persuasive essay. He wrote on the topic of abortion arguing that it was immoral to terminate a human life in the womb.
After completion the feedback from his female teacher was “be careful writing about abortion as a male.” Excuse me?
Yes his teacher is sexist! What a role model!
But it isn’t just the sexism. Such a comment reveals the depths of irrationality among those tasked with tutoring Australian children. Last I checked it requires a male to make a baby. And it requires a father to raise, love, serve and protect one also. When did having children become a woman only thing? Perhaps when we destroyed the family.
My son is a prospective father. Why shouldn’t he write about abortion? Why shouldn’t he start practicing a fatherly role now by protecting little children? That’s his job. That should be the teacher’s job too.
If your child is demonstrating more reason than their teacher you are probably sending your kids to an Australian school.
I wish I could finish here but my children throughout their school life were exposed to a steady diet of toxic neo-pagan propaganda:
Videos on the how and why of gender transitions.
Climate Change Extinction
Attacks upon traditional gender roles.
Attacks upon traditional Australian values.
Promotion of Scientism.
Did I mention Climate Change?
The list goes on. It’s all nonsense. A complete waste of their schooling years. Mind rotting trash designed to ensure they stay dumb, servile and ashamed of themselves while a neo-Marxist elite transition Australian society into a godless technocratic totalitarianism where once existed a Christianized nation state.
Here’s a doozy. Heard of Tommorow Man? Well apparently it’s a program for Australian secondary schools to “Reinvent Masculinity by Disrupting Stereo Types and Building Emotional Muscle.” From their website:
“The tide is changing for men young and old, and the outdated stereotype is leaving some of our mates, dads, sons, uncles, teammates, workmates and brothers stranded without the tools for a healthy life.
We lose one man every 3.5 hours to suicide in Australia. So we say enough is enough. Let’s smash the straight jacket that the traditional male stereotype can be. And give men the complete toolkit to live a full life.
I hate to point out the obvious. But if suicide among men is on the rise, as it has been for awhile, then I suggest it was the old male and female stereotypes that were working for us. They gave men meaning and purpose. They gave young boys direction and more solid role models. And they produced a safer society for women.
The fact is our departure from the old stereotypes motivated by the ideology of feminism and now cultural Marxism is what is driving young men to desperation. We don’t need a tomorrow man, we need a yesterday man, a complete about-face. Turn back. To Christ and his instruction for Christian families no less.1
Don’t get me wrong. It is good for men to discuss issues facing men. It’s good to improve communication skills. It is good to learn conflict resolution. It’s good to admit we men aren’t always as tough as we think. But if we do all that under the assumption it is those pesky gender stereotypes that have served families and kept society together for thousands of years that are to blame for our present epidemic of depressed and pharmaceutically drugged-up man-babies then we are entirely missing the root problem.
And it’s in your child’s school - Because they are throwing more fuel on the fire.
The Myth of the Christian School
“Well send your child to a Christian school”, I hear you saying. Unfortunately there isn’t one. There is no such thing.
What there are is private schools, taking government funding, teaching a similarly nonsensical version of the Australian government curriculum containing a steady diet of the same kind of cultural Marxist rubbish.
These schools have slapped on the label “Christian” and put a cross on their building. These institutions employ Christian teachers all schooled in education studies by virtually all the same secular “progressive” universities where non-Christian school teachers study. These wouldn’t know Christian education. They have never experienced it! These schools then include a mandatory religious class where “Jesus” is the answer to every question.
It is difficult to comprehend how this insipid form of education could ever be called “Christian”. It is surely a total embarrassment to the name of our Lord.
To create truly Christian education in current day Australia one would need to entirely abandon the Australian government curriculum.
Indeed the entire school system as it is currently imagined needs abandoning in favour of a system of schooling based entirely on a Christian worldview to serve the Christian goal: namely the conversion of the entire nation to the recognition that Jesus Christ is our singular Lord & God!
Not convinced the Christian school is a myth?
One of my children was studying the topic of Civil rights at her “Christian” high school. Great topic, what did it involve? Essays by John Locke? The Imago Dei in Genesis 1:27? Uh no. She attended a talk on the present misfortunes of indigenous Australians at the hands of white Australians of whom the teacher stated he wasn’t qualified to speak on the topic because he was white.
O… K… then….How about you just shut up? Teaching More Racism!
Then there was the class on historic propaganda and stereotypes where an image was analysed promoting Australia Day using a white man standing proudly with his esky and captioned “Australians: Man Your Eskys.”2
The image was then interpreted as depicting the white male as the centralist figure in a now dead Australia who happened to love his alcohol a little too much.
Seriously? Do I actually pay for this “education”?
Maybe we just weren’t ashamed of being white and having a BBQ in the 1940s & 50s. More Cultural Marxism! If only we were still manning those eskys!
The fact is “Christian” schools are not helping to stop the steady decline of society. Why? Because they are teaching the same nonsense determined by the same propagandists employed by our governments aimed at keeping our kids dumb, servile and ashamed of our cultural heritage - especially any semblance of traditional Christian thinking.
Graduates of “Christian” schools are also modern Marxists with a Christian veneer who have put down no sufficient root in Christian doctrine to sufficiently counter the anti-Christian narratives of our day.
Save Your Kids
The solution to this problem of institutionalised child abuse masquerading as education in Australia will need to be the subject of many other articles if we are to redeem Australian children for Christ.
Nevertheless I can say it took constant effort as Christian parents talking to our kids to counter the fake narratives our children were reporting to us every other week at school and instead trying to instill a Christian foundation using the Bible, history and reason.
The trouble is, you can’t catch all of the propaganda! Like it or not, much of it has still sunk in! It is in their psyche. It is like the smell of bait and fish guts on your hands after you go fishing. That night you just can’t wash it off no matter how hard you try! Neither will you be able to wash off the smell of paganism after your children leave school.
Extricate your children therefore from the Australian school system and any and all attachment to the current system of education in Australia before it is too late!
Fortunately all three of my remaining school age children are leaving school this year and I couldn’t be happier about it. What a complete waste of their time! If I ever had another child, he or she would set no foot in any Australian School, ever!
Home school if you have to. Hire a theologically trained teacher and create a home school co-operative. Start a Church School! Design your own curriculum, or import a system from a Christian organization championing the rebirth of a classical and reformed Christian education from the ground up - one with no ties to the current system and whose vision is the total supremacy of Christ.
Further Reading
VIDEO: Cultural Marxism Explained (Dr. Jordan B Cooper)
VIDEO: Douglas Murray Destroys Cultural-Marxism (John Anderson)
BOOK: Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters
Ephesians 5:21-6:4 - Read on Bible Gateway