Yes. They Poisoned You!
Red Pill moments are difficult to swallow. I have had several in my life. They humble you to the core. These are the moments where you discover the world is not as you thought. You are not the person you thought you were. But Red Pills are liberating. At these junctures you shed an old paradigm. You become someone new, someone walking more in accord with reality, God’s reality.
Many people are having Red Pill moments in 2022. I recently watched a remarkable video clip from the footy show where the panel discuss the fact that there are more than a few AFL players right now experiencing “heart problems” within the league and in fact all areas of sport around the world at the moment.1
The presenters then agree among themselves that the injuries all appear to be related to the recent COVID booster injections. Then one of the footy experts turns to the next presenter and says:
“It's not just the heart issues, without delving into your private affairs, you’ve got Bell’s palsy at the moment, which hopefully you are on the back end of that, but there is a bit of that going around at the moment.”
The injured man with Bell’s palsy responds:
“Exactly, heart issues and Bell’s palsy has gone through the roof since the boosters and COVID issues no doubt… so there has to be something more to it."
It was a raw moment of television. With a face depicting neurological damage he confesses the undeniable reality of the past two years of propaganda that manipulated everyone into getting injected.
Yes. They Poisoned You!
And the celebrities and sports stars can’t even hide it anymore. It is written on their sagging faces. The people paid to distract you with bread and circuses, football and entertainment so you never bother to care about what the world is really like much less who runs it and why, even these co-opted media professionals can’t hold back the reality banging down our door!
Though evidence of wide spread poisoning of the population is now mainstream many still object on an ideological basis to living in the real world. A world where the corporate state runs global media con-jobs designed to control the peoples minds and bodies and bend them to their will. This reality is rejected because it is inconceivably wicked! Australians have lost their skepticism of the world. They are no longer wary of a sinful humanity.
In its place neo-Marxist culture has arisen in Australia over the past few decades and cultivated a “progressive” view of humanity. With this new worldview has come an undeserved positivism toward the secular state whilst at the same time breeding significant apathy for any kind of political or religious activism. Rather “progression” of human political affairs is assumed and we take for granted that the paternal state has things under control and our best interests at heart.
A Biblical Red Pill
The bible does not share this progressive view of human affairs, especially when left to themselves! Jesus Christ is least of all surprised by acts of genocide committed by the rich and powerful. History is replete with examples and the scriptures warn us in no uncertain terms about the corrupting nature of love for money and power:
For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. - 1Timothy 6:10
But do you believe it? I contend many Christians in Australia do not. If they had they would have been skeptical these past two years. They would have asked many questions about the injection. They would of been concerned about the benefactors behind those pushing a needle that would transfer hundreds of billions of dollars of wealth from every country in the world into the coffers of a few.
Moreover they would have been concerned about the ideology of those benefactors. What if it were that those who pushed injections for every man woman and child were fond of counter-Christian concepts like trans-humanism, eugenics and talked frequently in whitepapers and ted-talks about the need for human depopulation?
Surely Christians would also have noticed the cues from the political establishment that it be an unreliable caretaker when it legalized the murder of unborn children and sanctioned early death for the unwanted, sick and elderly. Why would we entrust our health to an establishment who outright denies right-to life?
Instead of advising biblical skepticism Pastors here in Australia told us it was our Christian duty to be injected with only God knows what.
The conclusion I arrive at is that many within the Australian churches have bought into the “progressive” ideology of the cultural Marxist era and thereby unwittingly pledged allegiance to the new form of totalitarianism it has birthed.
In the process of cultivating this new allegiance the churches have depreciated the biblical doctrine of sin. The old worldview of a sinful humanity has given over to an age of insipid optimism of the world around us.
Sure, we still talk about sin as a concept but all we seem to mean by it is admitting our individual imperfections and confessing our personal need of forgiveness. But most have little sense of their participation within the wholesale and widespread corporate corruption that befell Adam’s race in the garden.
We no longer pay attention when the bible depicts the entire world at this very moment operating under the power Satan. He commands its worldly direction by controlling every person outside of Christ through their lust and evil cravings. (Ephesians 2:1-3). Just imagine what would happen if you gave some such people wealth and power. Now you don’t have to imagine anymore.
The New Testament Scriptures define for us a world that is in desperate need of rescue from the domination of evil. In Christianity this is being achieved via the manifestation of God’s Kingdom. This kingdom concept is at the heart of the Lord’s prayer in Matthew 6:9-13. The earth requires a visitation from the heavenly King to set matters aright and as Christians we long and pray for it. In the meantime, we pray for constant protection from the evil, lest we be suckered by the godlessness of the age.
The reductionist view of sin and manifest evil in the world has led to churches in Australia taking offense at the Jesus of the bible who frequently warned of fiery judgements for the unbelieving and the wicked (eg. Luke 16:19-31). The impacts of sin just don’t seem that bad. Therefore the positivism of this age has bred churches with an “evangelical” style that has all but abandoned any practical use for God’s wrath upon sinful humanity. It feels out of place because these biblical warning tones are not in step with the “progressive” attitudes of our culture.
So swallow this biblical Red Pill. Learn from times of abundant evil! When the full depth and depravity of human oppression comes to bear upon an entire generation, let it restore your biblical sensibilities. Long again for God’s justice and notice how patient is His mercy.
“The LORD saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time.” - Genesis 6:5.