The Burden of a Feminised Leadership
In the “progressive” era it is difficult to underestimate how much damage the sales pitch of advancing women’s rights has done to Western society. It is entirely the wrong conversation to be having which is why little progress to the cause of womanhood has been achieved in our lifetimes.
But that result is to be expected. Because the “deliverance” of women from male power is another lie to promote the mythical egalitarian utopia. Like all the other oppressed classes of the Neo-Marxist toolbox women are likewise pawns for fuelling engineered class warfare. Because of this cultural Marxist revolution Australia is now a feminised society - designed to be so because it is easier to manipulate.
And that brings me to the burden of a feminised leadership.
A while ago I attended an anti-abortion rally. There was a police line. On one side there were the Christian families. On the other side there were about thirty university age women along with several males - I am reluctant to call them men. These women were foaming at the mouth angry, chanting, “We will fight! We will win! Put the fetus in the bin!” I’m still not sure how you win by killing your children but that is beside the point - The young females were entirely in charge of this group!
The girls held the loud speaker, led the chants, decided what to do and when to leave. Several males arrived with the women, stood around sneering, shouted what the women told them to and then left at the command of the females.
On their side of the police line the burden of a feminised leadership was obvious. Growing up in a society without solid male headship, never properly disciplined by their fathers, indoctrinated by the lefty feminised education system - these young women were some of the ugliest I have seen: strange piercings, shaved hair, the usual lefty activist attire. But along with their defaced bodies came their defaced minds. These females despise their own womb shouting hatred of their womanly functions.
I was so appalled by this group of young people that I found a piece of cardboard and created a sign to hold up for them: “Where is your womanly compassion?”, it said. They were devoid of it! A feminised culture is a society led into deception whereby even women lose their natural empathy and nurturing faculties.
So what attracted the males to this group? I cannot tell you. Never have I witnessed such weak-minded men. These were so powerless, so demasculated that they were spending an evening following a group of ugly insane females who abhor their own femininity and repudiate the act of child bearing. Such fruitless women are worthless to men! They are unwilling to preserve a family line. Yet here were these males, their ego’s chained to the sinful whims of these females - becoming their servants for evil. They were like Adam in the Garden: hearing the false gospel, watching the deception, participating in acts that bring death - all without saying a word.
In a highly feminised culture the burden of female leadership produces morally incapacitated men. Bystanders who are worthless deliverers!
So what about the other side of the line? Thankfully there was a marked difference between the group of Christian families who had gathered in protest of abortion and the young Marxist revolutionaries. No angry shouting, blue hair and shaved women - there were obvious signs of family structure and self-control. But how does the Church fare in Australia’s feminised culture? Are they bulwarks of a biblical Patriarchy?
Out of the several speakers and prayers offered at the Christian event it appeared to me that the majority were female. Some families had been selected to give testimony of the joys and opposition they experienced of birthing a child with Down Syndrome. Yet peculiarly in each case the wife spoke on behalf of the family. No perspective from a husband, a father. Both families’ deliverer and protector - silent!
Now I hear you say - “abortion is a women’s issue”. But it is not - that is the argument of the leftist crazies. It is the absence of principled male leadership that allows the ongoing murder of children by women who are not prevented from doing so by men. In our feminised culture men behave cowardly and renege on their responsibilities hiding behind the idea that many moral issues are “women’s issues”. Here was a chance for the Church to set a tone and example of principled male protection over society and yet it seemed absent.
Then the newly appointed female leader of the Australian Christian Lobby spoke to the rally participants. I don’t remember much of what she said - all I could think was, “Where is her husband?” If a wife has been chosen to be the leader of the organisation spearheading Christian political and spiritual warfare in Australia then she must be a champion of godliness and conviction. So then where is her husband? Where is the roaring lion that commands this lioness? If he exists, why am I listening to his helpmeet? Why am I being called into spiritual battle with a deceived and feminised culture by yet another woman?
In a recent podcast interview Pastor Doug Wilson notes that if male spiritual leadership was at work in the homes and families of the West then male headship would naturally filter out into the leadership of society. In biblical culture it was the men who sat in the city gates as leaders of the community (Proverbs 31:23). Pastor Wilson noted that women possessing some 50% of our political seats in parliament is by no means a sign of progress but a sign that something is very wrong.
Whilst there are some notable exceptions of female leadership and judgement in the bible - it is not the rule. Instead times characterised by infantile or feminized leadership are used to describe an era of God’s Judgement on his people. (Isaiah 3:12). We live in such times.
In terms of spiritual leadership in the Church the apostle Paul gave us very clear instructions regarding gender roles: “I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man.” (1 Tim 2:12). His reasoning is not cultural. Instead his instruction flows from the theology of Genesis 1-3 namely the created order and the failures pertaining to each gender in the very first sin of humankind: “For Adam was formed first, then Eve; and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor.” (1 Tim 2:13-14).
The implication Paul derives from this text is that to allow a woman authority in teaching and leading men in the Church is to give rise to the circumstances where Adam and Eve found themselves in rebellion. The woman through her deception led herself and then her husband into sin. Though he was not deceived and should have shepherded his wife from error he did not. Adam relinquished his God appointed authority to rule and protect subjecting himself to the instruction of his wife. The created order likewise confirms the proper gender roles and they are to be upheld in the spiritual leadership of God’s people. Church leadership is not to be modeled on the failings of the first Adam, rather on the second Adam, Jesus, who stepped in and rescued his bride in the face of death.
However today we have a vast array of culturally sensitive Churches. Pentecostals, Charismatics and other hipster Churches who have taken their lead from the culture and rejected biblical wisdom. The result is a feminised church leadership structure where women exert authority over men as ordinary practice.
Women now lead our Churches, women lead our Christian political parties, Women lead our political lobbying organisations.
Pastor Wilson noted that men are not easily mobilised by women. It is why I wondered about the strength of the ACL leader’s husband instead of listening to her. I have no desire to be led into battle by a woman, that is part of the problem we are facing. Men feel demasculated by the experience of subjecting themselves to feminine leadership in certain areas of life - which is part of the Marxist’s power-play. In the feminised culture men become less “manly”, less likely to stand firm and protect in matters of faith and morals - they become passive.
So here is my contention - the church in Australia just doesn’t get it! - the burden of a feminine leadership that is - that is undermining our culture. Much wickedness that prevails today can find its root in this problem - a feminised leadership and the prevailing absence of a principled and dominant male leadership structure in matters pertaining to family, Church and State.
Rather than exemplifying the wisdom of a biblical patriarchy and its benefits for delivery society including its women and children from destruction - we Christians have adopted the Neo-Marxist version of women’s deliverance: self-rescue by asserting feminine rights and dominance. It is like the original sin all over again! Is it any wonder we live in a culture of death when males stand around dumb like Adam?
Until the Church recognises this root problem, until Christian females refuse to step into leadership roles that require the mobilisation of men and their families for spiritual warfare, until we defer to a natural and biblical patriarchy, at home, at Church and one that leaks out into society - and until Christian men recognise their role as deliverers patterned after the rule of Christ - then we will remain ineffective in the culture war - because we are simply promoting the enemies worldview!
It is time to relieve the Church from the burden of a feminised leadership and submit ourselves to God’s wisdom and pattern for rule.
”Be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” -Romans 12:2